In my years as a Husky owner, I’ve been on the receiving end of a lot of questions. What I get asked the most is do Huskies shed a lot.
Siberian Huskies do shed. They are Northern Sled dogs that live in icy environments and, as such, need a pretty thick coat of fur. As a result, when winter is over, they do shed their thick coat to prepare for the warmer months. This kind of shedding takes place twice a year, at the start of winter and the beginning of spring.
Keeping a Siberian Husky has its pros and cons. But giving up on having one as a pet for the sole reason of shedding cannot be justified unless you’re allergic to dogs.
Siberian Huskies Shed But You Don’t Need to Worry About it
The title says it all, doesn’t it? All dogs shed. Some shed more than others. In the same way, Siberian Huskies also shed. Now, the question becomes:
Then what about those photos of Siberian Huskies shedding like there’s no tomorrow? Is the situation that bad?
Well, there is only one way to alleviate your concerns, and that is to separate fact from fiction.
Siberian Huskies shed like crazy. Every day there is a mountain of fur that you have to clean. The Huskies are nothing but mean shedding machines.
The shedding depends on a couple of factors. The factors include, but are not limited to:
- Time of the year
- Grooming frequency
- Medical condition
When Do Huskies Shed The Most?
Before I tell you when huskies shed the most, you need to understand the difference between shedding the topcoat and undercoat.
What is an Undercoat?
An undercoat is a soft, inner coat of fur on dogs in colder weather to shield them from the cold.
Dogs shed depending on the time of the year. In colder months, dogs shed their summer coat and grow a thicker, warmer coat to protect themselves from the cold weather.
When the winter is over, dogs shed the heavy, warm coat to be replaced by a thin, light coat. This pattern of shedding the coat and growing a new one continues throughout the life of a dog.
Huskies follow the exact pattern with a slight difference, i.e., their coat type. Huskies have something called a double coat.
The Double Coat is the Reason Huskies Shed a Lot
We say a dog’s got a double coat if it has a topcoat and an undercoat. The topcoat is responsible for keeping the water out, and the undercoat provides the necessary insulation for keeping the body warm.
Huskies have a double coat, meaning that when they grow a new coat for the winter months, they develop a double coat, which is both heavier and thicker than a regular coat. When the time comes to shed this double coat, it’s understandable why huskies would shed a lot. They have a lot to shed, so they do!
Why do Siberian Huskies have so much fur?
Well, this is a pretty good question. If Siberian Huskies were indoor dogs, it would make a lot more sense for them to grow a thin coat. But this is not the case.
Siberian Huskies aren’t indoor dogs. They are sled dogs used in colder areas like Siberia (hence the name) to pull sleds. Everyone knows how cold it can get in Siberia, so it’s quite natural for huskies to grow a thick double coat.
Do Huskies Shed Differently in Warm Environments?
The short answer is: yes, Huskies do shed differently in warmer environments. And when you look at the science behind it, it becomes pretty easy to see why.
Dogs are incredibly sensitive to temperature changes. The temperature, amount of light, and time of the year determine how much your dog will shed. The same is the case for huskies. Huskies shed based on the temperature of their environment.
I’ve already mentioned that huskies have a thick double coat in winter months, which they shed in springtime — this pattern regulated by temperature. While the pattern will remain the same globally, the amount of fur your dog loses will vary. In warmer environments, it will lose more fur than it would in colder areas to compensate for the increased temperature.
Do Indoor Huskies Shed Differently from Outdoor Ones?
A couple of factors regulates the shedding of fur in dogs. Things like the amount of light and the temperature cause a dog to shed more or less depending upon the situation. However, when your dog is strictly indoors, his shedding cycle depends heavily on indoor conditions.
If you keep your husky in an apartment that is always lit up, his natural shedding cycle will undoubtedly get disturbed. As a result, he will shed differently than a husky who lives outside. Similarly, if the indoor temperature of an apartment is in contrast to outside temperature (which is usually the case), your husky will adapt to shedding in this new environment.
How do you Stop your Husky from Shedding?
There is an undeniable fact:
Huskies shed significantly at the start of winter and the beginning of spring, but small amounts of shedding continue throughout the year. So, it is safe to say huskies never completely stop shedding. If your Husky isn’t shedding, it might be due to a medical condition.
Here’s how you can stop your Siberian Husky from shedding:
1. Groom Your Dog Regularly
Regularly grooming your Husky is the number one thing you must do to reduce the amount of fur your husky sheds. Make a habit of grooming your dog at least twice a week during the regular season and more during the shedding season. We like to use a combination of grooming tools for our Huskies, you can check the list of our brush recommendations here – “Best Brush for a Husky”
Regular grooming ensures that you pull out all the loose fur before your dog gets the chance to shed it. Plus, grooming also promotes increased blood flow, which is good for a Husky’s skin, coat, and overall health.
Make sure that you groom in the direction of the fur growth. Otherwise, your husky will experience pain, and you are also more likely to pull out hair. You know how painful it can get if someone pulls out your hair, don’t you?
2. Shampooing and Conditioning
The other thing that you should do is to regularly shampoo and condition your husky’s fur. Dirt and debris can result in damaged hair, which results in more loose fur, ultimately leading to more shedding of fur. It is not necessary to bathe your dog very often, huskies are neat and their coat has the peculiarity of self-cleaning. Therefore, it will be enough to bathe them at least 2-3 times a year.
If you’re looking for a dog moisturizing shampoo, we found this one Wahl Pet Calming Shampoo on Amazon, that contains lavender extract for soothing your Husky’s skin.
Grooming and shampooing are the best methods you can use to reduce the amount of fur your Husky sheds. Not only this, regular grooming and cleaning the fur also keeps it healthy.
Caution: Shaving is a Big No-No
You may have seen photos of shaved huskies online. Well, this might seem like a great idea because who doesn’t want a situation where they don’t have to deal with the amount of fur a husky sheds, right? Well, the chances are that things can go south terribly. It’s a bad idea and here’s why:
- A shaved husky won’t be able to bear that much physical stress on its skin because it would lose the natural cushion provided by its fur. So, a shaved husky would be rather petite and delicate.
- A Siberian Husky’s fur is not only suitable for colder months, but it regulates the body temperature throughout the year. Without fur, a husky can become extremely prone to environmental conditions and even a little amount of direct sunlight can prove fatal
It is seldom a good choice to shave your husky. You should only shave your husky in case of a medical emergency on a vet’s recommendation. Other than that, don’t shave your Siberian Husky.
Keeping Your House Clean in the Shedding Period
Keeping your house clean during the shedding season is easier than you might think. The following ways significantly reduce unwanted dog hair in your home:
Brush Regularly
One of the best ways to minimize dog hair during the shedding season is to brush your dog regularly. Regular brushing pulls out all the loose hair, which, otherwise, would have ended up on your couch or elsewhere around your house.
Use Covers
When it is shedding season, use covers for couches and other furniture. And when the time comes to clean these covers, toss them up in a washing machine.
Use Throw Rugs
Place throw rugs on carpets and the floor. This way, you can quickly get rid of accumulated hair by vacuuming.
Provide Rubbing Posts
During shedding season, pets like to rub against things that will help them get rid of loose fur. These things can be a couch or even a dinner table. Providing rubbing posts gives your pet a better alternative to rubbing against furniture. Not only does your dog get a perfect place to satisfy its itch, but loose hair also gets attached to the post rather than flying around the house.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I keep my Husky Cool in Summers?
Following are the ways you can keep your husky cool in summer season:
- Make it drink plenty of water
- Keep your husky in a cool part of your house, preferably an air-conditioned room
- Take your dog to walk in the early mornings and in the evening
Is husky hair hypoallergenic?
No, huskies are not hypoallergenic. It is a common myth that some dog breeds are hypoallergenic. In reality, no dog breed is truly hypoallergenic. Similarly, huskies aren’t either, and their fur produces a significant amount of allergens which can trigger allergic reactions.
A Siberian Husky is a northern sled dog and is meant to have a thick coat of fur. As a result, it sheds more than most other dogs. But this shedding isn’t something that should make you worry.
Regularly grooming your dog can help a lot with shedding, especially during shedding months. It also promotes healthy fur growth in addition to several other health benefits.